Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wild eastern wind off the Wasatch and onto Parkway

 This is what I saw as I looked out the window at 7 am, this first day of December (except it was dark).  Twenty minutes earlier I had checked because of the noise from the wind, blowing my Christmas decorations around the porch, but the trees were standing.
Even in the somewhat protected porch area, the ivy was peeled back 
and with the bench, pushed off to the side.Our two 40 foot evergreens blew over in the reported 70+ mph winds.....fortunately the biggest tree landed free of the house, and the other landed on top of the garage, with minimal damage.

 Pretty big root clump...this is taken from the neighbor's driveway, looking toward our house.

The tree trimmer just starting his work.....this tree had two main trunks. 

Had to make this picture large so you can appreciate the size of the tree.

 Here's a view up top of the tree on the garage roof.

It took hours for two people to cut away the branches, and line them up across the front lawn. 
Then, as fast as you could blink, the trimmed trunk snapped upright in all it's cut-away glory.

I had to be at the U by 7:30 a.m., so I called Judy C, who was happy to drive me up then return to bring me home. Home at 9:30, there was a Channel 4 cameraman taking pictures of our trees. He said he thought our area was the hardest hit in Salt Lake. Farther north the winds reached 100.
We were trapped inside until the way was cleared and the power came back on, about 2 pm.
Many cars have been driving by, even in the evening dark, to see the mess. But the trees that fell on power lines were behind the Hayes and the Cannons. At the Hayes, in the morning, a fire with flames erupted at the base of the power pole in the corner backyard. The firetruck arrived to put it out.
All day, Parkway was lined with service trucks from the power company and tree trimmers.
Our trimmer hurried off after clearing the driveway, to clear others' paths. 
Hopefully he will return soon to finish the job, and get the tree off the roof.
We are just so happy to have the comforts restored.....
power to heat the house and light the way, and to charge our batteries.