Sunday, July 31, 2011

Days of '47 Parade!!

 A beautiful day for a parade, a little sun at first, then cloudy and perfect temperature. This was Cara's 1st parade...she ran down from her parents house to join us in front of Ryan's office. Walker loved the entire parade...especially the marching bands.
 And the missionaries tracked all around us...

 Jake slept while the bands played on............but the guy with the beard behind us was probably so happy to have us plop down in front.
OK......there really were some floats.  One of our favorites was the U of U float.

More Summer Fun

Grandma made a Hawk-eye hat for Jake. 

Sunday dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's, including Ford's rocket experiment....

Henry's happy with a hat......and Parker tried his own experiment on the nose.

Jake and Matthew at two months.
A party for Jackson and Cara:
A surprise visit from the Texans, deserving of a pool party with fireworks!

Is this one of those light bulb many does it take to make a basket?

 Walker was a good sport on this one....getting a good dunking at the end.

 A great firework display, Snows!

July Baby Blessings

First is baby Jake, blessed by his dad, Jordan
Sunday, July 3rd

The cousins love getting together! We celebrated at the Scruggs' home.
Great-grandpa Butters was there to hold Jacob Jordan O
Baby Matthew Walter, blessed on Pioneer Day, July 24th, by his dad, Ryan.  A celebration followed at the Snow's

 The Owen siblings who were in town

Walker loves his he's Parker's shadow

Saturday, July 2, 2011

OWEN TEAM B-Ball Camp, June 28th

 Owen Team shirts and hats lined up and ready to go.
Some basic instruction first...

Walker's idea of heaven....surrounded by BALLS!

 Coach Owen's court instruction begins

Ava, a little overwhelmed with the crowd of boys, takes a rest.
 Everyone has a place:

 Pick and Roll

Walker preferred shooting the ball...not hindered by the height of the basket.

When the group photo was done, Walker was ready for more....
Henry was the team's water boy, filling everyone's cups and more.
Great-Grandpa Butters joined in the fun.